Author: James Grams

Sites 103

Hi Everyone, As you’ve seen, we’ve added quite a lot of new games lately, but besides that, nothing new. But, We now will be adding a new feature! It will be Member’s Only, and be called Sites 103! It is simalar to Links in concept, but quite more advanced, On the sites page, there will be iFrames of all the Member’s who signed up for this service. Also before the iFrame there will be the title, a description, and a sitemap (optional). I should have this ready soon! Enjoy Game 103!

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Whats Up

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve posted! But a lot has happened with the Site! Firstly, i have made a game called Yoshi Yahoo! It’s pretty fun, you should try it! Secondly, I have made ALL of my games free to the public on Game Central, Pretty Cool! Then I have added some more Games and Videos! Thanks, Enjoy the Site

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So, *puff*, So, *puff*, Close, *collapse*

I have benn working at this site like MAD! OK, lets tell you what we’ve done.

  1. Game Central, I have added catorgories and also dogfight, free rider, and line rider, you should check it out!!!!!
  2. Merchandise 103, A non-members Page (hooray!) this is a place where you can buy all of Game 103 Developments Games! Non-Members Can too!!!!!! It also has some nice screenshots! pretty cool!!!!!
  3. Gift cards are redeemable at Register, sorry, not Merchandise yet, but we hope to do this!
  4. Services you already know, it’s pretty nice!
  5. Downloads, a great section, with itunes, IE, Safari, hypercam and more to download!
  6. My Games page will have shorter my games until Game 103 gets a sufficient income, I’m sorry about this, but we can not afford this with Web Hosting and other fees, but the full versions can be purchased at Merchandise 103!
  7. PSP 103 has been updated with system updates and games demos, pretty cool!
  8. And we have domains availible at Web Hosting
  9. Finally, iPony will not be offering Email at this time, maybe in the future.

So, now you know what I’ve been working on, and as my little trademark, Enjoy!

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How Far?

Where we are!
We have the services page up (took me forever) but it’s up!
Note: WE WILL NOT GO FORWARD WITH THE SAMPLE MY GAMES PAGE, JUST A GAME ORDER PAGE, with that, I haven’t made the page, but designed the cover and have all the CDs and Cases
Haven’t done gadgets and info yet
We have the Web Hosting Yahoo! Thing
And iPony doesn’t e-mail yet

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Mass Addition System

Hey Everyone, I’d like to tell you about the addition plan! It’s gonna be big so bear with me!

  1. Gift Cards, the Register Page will have a gift card redeem section, where if you buy a gift card, you can just enter you card number, instead of using paypal!
  2. The Sample My Games Page, if you don’t know about it, beneath membership there is a My Games page which has the games I made on it. I will be cutting short some of the games, to give non members a preview of the games I made!
  3. Gadgets and Info Page, This Page will include a news reel, wheather, sports updates, world clocks and links to news sites!
  4. Services Page, this is one of the main updates, This will have all types of services that people can find to use, what I mean by services is you can look up a good local restuarant, or car wash, etc. Everything on the page is something people reccommend. We will try to not put big chain organizations, but more so small, nice places.
  5. The order my games page, If you don’t want to buy membership, but are interested in my games, you can use the order my games feature! It will be a link off the sample my games page, where you can order a CD, if you are a member but want the CD, don’t woory, theres a link on the regular my games page too!
  6. Web hosting Domains, We will add an iFrame of Yahoo Domain Registration on the Web Hosting Page, So You can Purchase Your Own Domain!
  7. Finally, iPony will be offering E-Mail

Wow! Thats alot, I’m gonna be very busy, please be patient with me, thanks enjoy!

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.com imporovement system

Well, you probabaly recall me saying it would be .org, which it is. But after just one week, out of the blue, .com gets cancelled, so .org will probabaly get cancelled and i’ll buy .com, thanks

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iPony Release

IT’S OUT! What can I say, it’s great! Visit it at it has all the features in the post below, enjoy!

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Hi Everyone! I hope you’re enjoying Club Penguin! But sadly, the Club Penguin Section Will not be updated. The Good News is Our New Site called iPony, which very soon will be availible at It has a connections page where, you can find people’s names, and their usernames on the games we have there! So you can meet up with friends, or make new friends with othe iPony Users! We have three multiplayer games on iPony so far. and they are; Adventure Quest, Club Penguin, and Webkinz. I’ll post when it’s online!

James Grams
President and Owner

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Club Penguin!

You Can Now Play Club Penguin, and Do more Club Penguin Things, on the new Section of my Site! Game Pony! At! we have a club penguin chat room, and Club Penguin Its Self! Check It Out, O, and I Added Super Smash Flash to the Game Central Page! Enjoy!

President of Game 103

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Web Hosting

Game 103 Now Offers Web Hosting! All You Have to do is login with your account and go to web Hosting! Then fill out the form and I’ll Set Up Your Account! Your Site Will Be! Then Using the Account You Signed Up With, Login to Filezilla how the Web Hosting Page Tells You to and Your Done! I hope you enjoy this feature!

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