Author: James Grams

James the Space Zebra

I have time for one last Post Before the Beach and here it is!

I have Added a New game called James the Space Zebra! It’s Pretty Fun, you should shoud try it out on the My Games Page. I hope to soon add James the Pirate Zebra, but since it is a New Release, It mmey be a While before I can add it, andy Enjoy!

James Grams
President and Owner

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Tommorow, I’m Going to the Beach!
But, I just wanted You to know, If I’m not publishing Posts or editing the othe Site, I have’nt forgotten You! I’m just having fun at the Beach, and will Update when I get back in a Week!

James Grams
President and Owner

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Pliot Rescue Again

Well, I worked on the The Game alot today and finished it!
It’s Great with all the features, it’s on the My Games Page, I hope you Enjoy it,

James Grams
President and Owner

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Pilot Rescue Release

Hey Everyone!
This Post is to Say I’m Releasing Pilot Rescue, but without a title page, and only three levels. The Reason I’m doing this, is because I’m going to the beach for a week, and I wanted some people to play it. Anyway, the short one has all the fetures the full one will have, just doesn’t take as long to Complete. But, It is a pretty cool game, probabaly one of My Best Yet!
Enjoy the new Game!

James Grams
President and Owner

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Games and Videos

This Post is so you can Comment on what games and videos are your favorites, and what ones you’d like me to put on the site!

James Grams
President and Owner

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If you’ve been on my site, you’ve probabaly noticed the Membership Feature, this post will tell you what pages there are behind that login system! First off, there’s the Members Page, which is like the Home Page, but with Updates on Member Pages! Next there is a Members Only Chat Room! There are two pages with Downloads, they are My Games (the Games I created myself!), and PSP files with saves to download on it. Then one of the best features, the Game 103 Store! Finally there is the Contacts Page, with all the Workers E-Mails and My Phone, (which is kept private so we don’t get spammed)! Oh, and Members get an E-Mail account, Well hope that helps you out!

Enjoy the Site!
James Grams
President and Owner

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Welcome to the Game 103 Blog!
This will give all the information you need to know about Game 103. So, lets get started with some starter information. My name is James, and I created Game 103, and My goal for the Site, is to have just a little bit of everything in it. For Example, We have a few games, a Few videos, two Chat Room, Downloads, and a Store! Anyway the Purpose of this blog is to get your opinion on the Site! I will put on here posts like, whats your favorite game? and Any suggestions on what you’d like to see?
Well I hope you enjoy my Blog and Website, and by the Way, its URL is posted on the side, I hope you Enjoy it!

James Grams
President and Owner

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