I am finally done with all site renovations. I wanted to write a little paragraph comparing the old Game 103 to the present Game 103.
From the original Chat, Game Central, and Video, to the new studios and store. The old default template, and the new one which took weeks to add. The original extras such as email, to the new portal. The days which we got 5 views, to now where we get an average of 3000. I used to be blind on all coding, now I can code most anything needed for my site. And from months of no members, to almost a new member every day. All these things I would have never worked on without your support.
So, in conclusion, We can now just add games and videos, and are done with new sections, etc. Thanks to all who’ve been such a support since Game 103 strated over a year ago, we hope you keep on visiting us for many years to come.
Thank You,
James Grams, President of Game 103