
Tip for never duplicating random values

Hi all, here’s a programming tip for when you want to make some random values but never want the random values to repeat themselves.

Say that you want two random values, but you want to make sure that they are different. Well in php, you can do that with a simple while loop. Check out the code below:

$firstNumber = rand(0,10);
$secondNumber = $firstNumber;
while($secondNumber == $firstNumber) { $secondNumber = rand(0,10);

With this code, the variable secondNumber is set to equal firstNumber, and a new random value will be generated for secondNumber until it is not the same as firstNumber. This can be useful if you want to make sure that all information you display is unique!

In other news, an update for Lamb in a Pram will be coming soon. This will include 8 new items, the ability to change pram color, and a few bug fixes.

Also, a limited lite version of Lamb in a Pram will be coming out for free!


James Grams

Posted in different random values, don't duplicate random values, php random generation without duplication, random item generation


Tip – For loops in Flash

When creating games in flash using actionscript, often times you want to move many objects at once, or test collision detection for many objects at once. While you could tell each Movie Clip to move with code similar to:

movieClip1.x = movieClip1.x + 5;
movieClip2.x = movieClip2.x + 5;
movieClip3.x = movieClip3.x + 5;
movieClip4.x = movieClip4.x + 5;
movieClip5.x = movieClip5.x + 5;

It would be a lot easier, neater, and easier to change in the future if you used a for loop. To start, create an array and add each movie clip that you want to move into the array. This can be done with the following code:

var movieClipsArray:Array = new Array(movieClip1,movieClip2,movieClip3,movieClip4,movieClip5);

Now, when you want to move all the movie clips you can simply type:

for(var i:Number = 0;i movieClipsArray[i].x = movieClipsArray[i].x + 5;

This code goes through each item in the array and tells it to move to the right. Now, if you wanted to change the distance each movie clip moved, you would only have to change one number, and if you wanted to add more movie clips that move, you would simply add the movie clip name to the list when you create the array.

Hope this helps you all out there,

James Grams

Posted in do many actions at once flash pro, for loops flash pro cs6, How to use for loops in adobe flash, loops in flash pro


Lamb in a Pram Released!

Lamb in a Pram is out! Here is the link to the iTunes Store where you can download the game


Posted in cute iphone apps, entertaining safe iphone apps, family-friendly apps ios, fun iphone animal apps, ipad family-friendly apps


Lamb in a Pram

Thanks for visiting the Game 103 Blog! I have decided to get this blog up and running again to provide an easier way to provide updates and also to give out some tips that I have learned throughout the years in game design and programming.

As the site states, the Game 103 app, Lamb in a Pram, should be released very soon. If you have an iOS device, be sure to check it out! You will find some gameplay footage below.

If any of you out there are looking to design games or programs, here is a quick tip – Be sure to keep a to-do list of what you need to do. That way, you will not forget anything when the time comes to publish your game or program.

Thanks again,

James Grams

Posted in cute iphone apps, entertaining safe iphone apps, lamb in a pram trailer


Rec Room

Game 103 has added a new Rec room! Theres a chat there and some card games for you to enjoy! A new logo might be out soon, depends if I can come up with a good one. Enjoy the Site!

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Memory Road and Minigame of the Moment!

It’s been a long time since the last post, and it’s also been a long time since Game 103 started. almost two years now! Remember the old template, and the releases of all the downloadable games? The old Game 103 logo with all the downloadable games characters? Now it’s all flash. Not many of you will remember those days, because Game 103 hadn’t its break out yet. That came with the addition of Bloons Tower Defense 3. But enough with the old onto the new. There’s a new section of the website called Minigame of the Moment. Every now and then Game 103 will make a new minigame and post it on that page! It gets updated quite frequently and there’s already been 5! Well if you want to see more you’re gonna have to check it out! There’s a link on the home page so it’ll be easy to see! Enjoy!

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Music 103

Game 103 has a new section called Music 103. It contains songs that I’ve written! So far I only have 2 songs up but they both have a flash music player, an mp3 for download, and piano music. You have to be a member to get to Music 103 though. I’ll probably do some more work on this during fall break. But until then, enjoy it for now!

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New Game!!!!

Wow, it’s been a while since we released Bee RPG, but we have a brand new game, all finished. We might get sponsorship for this game, so we’re not gonna release it until we get the message back from the sponsors. You may be wondering what the game is? Maybe this screen shot will explain it.

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Finally a good site

I am finally done with all site renovations. I wanted to write a little paragraph comparing the old Game 103 to the present Game 103.

From the original Chat, Game Central, and Video, to the new studios and store. The old default template, and the new one which took weeks to add. The original extras such as email, to the new portal. The days which we got 5 views, to now where we get an average of 3000. I used to be blind on all coding, now I can code most anything needed for my site. And from months of no members, to almost a new member every day. All these things I would have never worked on without your support.

So, in conclusion, We can now just add games and videos, and are done with new sections, etc. Thanks to all who’ve been such a support since Game 103 strated over a year ago, we hope you keep on visiting us for many years to come.

Thank You,
James Grams, President of Game 103

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New Stuff, Been a while since I posted!

Well a lot of stuff has happened to Game 103, even though you probably have not noticed it. This is because we have been working on flash Games. We got a flash porgram, and are very excited, and have a release coming out soon, the full version of the beta release, Age of Bunnies 2! We have also completely finished the new template :)!!!!! Now all that’s left is finishing adding it to the games pages, and finishing the member’s area :(. This is gonna take a while. Well Enjoy the Site!

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