I have benn working at this site like MAD! OK, lets tell you what we’ve done.
- Game Central, I have added catorgories and also dogfight, free rider, and line rider, you should check it out!!!!!
- Merchandise 103, A non-members Page (hooray!) this is a place where you can buy all of Game 103 Developments Games! Non-Members Can too!!!!!! It also has some nice screenshots! pretty cool!!!!!
- Gift cards are redeemable at Register, sorry, not Merchandise yet, but we hope to do this!
- Services you already know, it’s pretty nice!
- Downloads, a great section, with itunes, IE, Safari, hypercam and more to download!
- My Games page will have shorter my games until Game 103 gets a sufficient income, I’m sorry about this, but we can not afford this with Web Hosting and other fees, but the full versions can be purchased at Merchandise 103!
- PSP 103 has been updated with system updates and games demos, pretty cool!
- And we have domains availible at Web Hosting
- Finally, iPony will not be offering Email at this time, maybe in the future.
So, now you know what I’ve been working on, and as my little trademark, Enjoy!