300 Miles to Pigsland300 Miles to Pigsland Upgrade your abilities to get past obstacles and reach Pigsland. 513 plays Animal RacewayAnimal Raceway Train your animal racer in various skills by playing minigames to win races and leagues. 153 plays Bubble Tanks 2Bubble Tanks 2 Defeat enemies and dodge their attacks while building up your bubble tank. 667 plays Businessman SimulatorBusinessman Simulator Build your businesses from the ground up to earn money. 2,367 plays Chibi KnightChibi Knight Level up and save the land from three monsters in this fun and cute RPG. 525 plays Chuck the SheepChuck the Sheep Escape the farm by upgrading your ship to fly farther and get past more obstacles each day. 150 plays Droids Vs MagicDroids Vs Magic Take the wizard's kingdom with your droids as you upgrade your kingdom and place crystals to help them along. 247 plays Duck LifeDuck Life Train your last duck to win races to earn back your money. 703 plays Duck Life 2Duck Life 2 Train your duck in swimming, running, climbing, and flying to become the new world champion. 1,480 plays Fishy WatersFishy Waters Catch and sell fish as you set out to rescue your captured father. 397 plays FlightFlight Upgrade your paper airplane as you fly through many different places. 466 plays Glaikitty FykeGlaikitty Fyke Play as a cat as you catch fish and sell them to purchase upgrades. 382 plays Hedgehog LaunchHedgehog Launch Help a brave, little hedgehog launch into space by directing its path and purchasing useful upgrades. 356 plays I Can FlyI Can Fly Play as a pig as you try to fly to the moon to rescue your girlfriend who was taken by a nasty mouse. 354 plays Learn to FlyLearn to Fly Use technology to allow your penguin to accomplish his goal to fly! 1,415 plays Mini MachinesMini Machines Race around different table tops and upgrade your tiny, remote-controlled car. 805 plays Mole vs. LavaMole vs. Lava Jump as high as possible while collecting powerups, buying upgrades, and earning a higher score. 422 plays MotherloadMotherload Dig deeper and deeper while collecting precious metals as a miner on mars. 472 plays StardropsStardrops Collect stardrops in order to afford a new teddy bear for your sister. 547 plays Sushi Cat-a-pultSushi Cat-a-pult Complete objectives as you catapult through the land collecting sushi and bouncing at the right time. 277 plays Turtle Mega RushTurtle Mega Rush Escape the kitchen and the chef as you upgrade your turtle! 517 plays Wonder RocketWonder Rocket Upgrade your rocket and reach for the sky! 785 plays